
Over 400 students start their studies at Mojácar´s Bartolomé Flores School.

No vigente.


Bartolomé Flores School opened its doors this week to over 400 pupils, all ready for the new academic year ahead.  There were the usual nerves at seeing friends and teachers, with the occasional tear shed, but all nevertheless appeared full of excitement with their backpacks full of new books.

Around 50 more students have enrolled this year, with further additions expected, but it is the inclusion of 28 nationalities which is rather unusual, pulling in children from different continents, religions and cultures. Some begin with no or limited Spanish, which presents an extra (but not insurmountable) challenge to teachers and fellow students. 

This is all helped by the ATAL, an early language adaptation programme, which ensures new pupils are given extra help, in co-ordination with the PROA project, which offers support and guidance to all students, whatever their nationality.

            Some new educational regulations are being incorporated, such as 1 hour classes, with more English, Physical Education and Religion on the timetable.
Centre Director, Francisco Baraza, has the task of coordinating the 28 teachers, who work across the range of compulsory subjects.  The usual complimentary workshops will be organised once timetables are finalized, but they are expected to get off to a start in October. However, the school transport system and dining room are already fully functional.

The students have returned to a renovated school, after a round of painting, plumbing and electrical upgrades, with refurbishments to doors, windows and roofs. In the outside zone, work has been done on pipes to improve the drainage of rain water and the 180 M2 recreation area has had a layer of reinforced concrete, all carried out by Mojácar Council’s Department of Works, so everything is ready and safe for the youngsters to start their studies.

Mojácar Council has invested around 36,000 Euros in order to complete this full annual review, which has also been carried out at their Infant School.