
Mojácar Council and the Provincial Council launch an active ageing workshop for senior citizens



                 The Mojácar Council Department for the Elderly and the Almería Provincial Council have inaugurated the Memory Workshop, which under the name “Actively” is aimed at the municipality’s elderly and in which the intention is to work on improving their quality of life with promotion, integration, participation, innovation and social cooperation actions.

For Ana García, the Local Authority Councillor for the Elderly, the Government Team of which she is a part is committed to promoting the well-being of its senior citizens: “For us the most important thing is the people and we will always be supporting them, first and foremost those who most need it."

This workshop is included in the Almería Provincial Council’s 6th Provincial Plan for Community Social Services 2021-2024, which in collaboration with Mojácar Council is organised in the municipality to meet needs in terms of social well-being and specifically for active ageing.

The people who take part in this workshop are given a “Notebook-Diary: Actively 2024” as an instrument to promote an active life and a participatory and positive leisure activity.

In this notebook they find health tips with a monthly plan of activities, exercises and games aimed at improving cognitive and physical capacity.

                 The notebook is divided into 12 keys to healthy habits, understanding healthy as the process of maintaining and developing functional capacities that contribute to well-being in an elderly person.

                 Both Ana García and the workshop instructors place great emphasis on the importance of having healthy habits as a means of having good physical and mental health, as well as continuing to actively take part in social and family life. In short, remaining active in the neighbourhood based on personal abilities, enjoyments and needs.

The Mojácar Senior Citizens Workshop is held every Thursday at the Multi-Uses Centre and will run until the end of June.

Following a summer break to enjoy the holidays and the family, these workshops will restart in September with more proposals and activities for Mojácar’s senior citizens.